The Singing Farmers
The Singing Farmers have entertained audiences throughout Yorkshire, County Durham and Cumbria for 10 years. They perform 4 concerts a year usually the two weekends prior to Easter weekend.
The Singing Farmers were brought together by Chris in 1994 to perform a show that features five individual singers and an extremely talented keyboard player.
‘It was only meant to be for one year,’ says Chris. ‘But it has mushroomed into an annual social event that everyone in the rural community looks forward to. This year we played to over 1,100 over the four concerts held in Skipton, Malton, Holmfirth and Northallerton.
The Singing Farmers have raised over £100,000 for the charity Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI) since they started.
Three of the Singing Farmers are working farmers, one is the owner of a chain of farm supply shops and Chris is a respected rural journalist with the Yorkshire Post.
Full details of The Singing Farmers’ concert dates for 2014 will be available later this year via this website, but in the meantime you can purchase the 10th Anniversary CD, the seventh Singing Farmers album by checking out the details below.
Chris Berry Rural Journalist |
Phillip Holden Farm Supplies |
Ken Jackson Farmer |
Lloyd Lockwood Teacher (Keyboards) |
Charles Marwood Farmer |
Tony Richards Farm Supplies |
THE SINGING FARMERS have featured regularly on television over the past decade (but not yet on COUNTRYFILE!). Here is a clip of Chris & Ken being Interviewed by BBC Look North earlier this year.
The video here was recorded by NORTH EAST TONIGHT in 2008 and features Chris and Phillip Holden.
THE SINGING FARMERS released their first CD album in four years just in time for this year’s concerts that took place during March. If you would like to purchase a copy you can do so here by Paypal for the cost of £11.20 (incl p&p) or send a cheque marked payable to SINGING FARMERS to: SINGING FARMERS CD, 2 Elmete Croft, Scholes, Leeds LS15 4BE
Track Listing:
1. Welcome To My World | KEN JACKSON |
2. The Dame Vera Lynn | TONY RICHARDS |
3. The Wild Rover | CHRIS BERRY |
4. You Raise Me Up | CHARLES MARWOOD |
5. I’ve Got A Little Whippet | PHILLIP HOLDEN |
6. When You Walk In The Room | KEN JACKSON |
7. Autumn Leaves | TONY RICHARDS |
8. Stuck In The Middle With You | CHRIS BERRY |
9. The Bare Necessities | CHARLES MARWOOD |
10. My Canny Tyneside | PHILLIP HOLDEN |
11. I Only Want To Be With You | KEN JACKSON |
12. The Valley of the Steam | TONY RICHARDS |
13. Sweet Caroline | CHRIS BERRY |
14. Silent Worship | CHARLES MARWOOD |
15. Take Me Up The Tyne | PHILLIP HOLDEN |